Friday, January 19, 2007

Liz Lemon in Love

xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx

8 - number of times NBC branding flashed
1 - number of times Heroes cross-promoted
1 - number of times NBC mentioned
0 - Unbelieveable but GE not mentioned once.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Dunder Mifflin vs Staples

You gotta admit it. NBC has got the shit when it comes to product placement. 30 Rock anyone? And give them their props for the latest episode of The Office. Dwight rules at Staples after getting shafted at Dunder Mifflin. And what an opportunity for grabbing those product placement $$$. Hewlett Packard, Lexmark, Samsung, a nice lingering shot of Shopsmart, Success, Home Business and Consumer Reports magazines. Hell, there's even a tight shot of a Dummies Guide.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Paula Drinks Coke?

Who they trying to fool with those Coke cups? Ain't havin' any of it! She may do coke but she don't drink it. How about honesty in advertising? Maybe they could get Absolut or Skyy or Finlandia to provide cups becuase we know that's what she's drinking.

347 - number of times Coca Cola flashes onto the screen during the first episode.

Simon Rules, Randy's a Dawg and Paula's a drunk.

With American Idol up and running again it's time to have a laugh at those wackass Ford ads again.

Dr Phil

Come on...we all know Dr Phil isn't adverse to a bit of cash grabbing product placement. Usually he is pushing some shyster's book or Robin's or his own. And yes, he's a shyster to the 9th.

January 3rd and what's the title of the episode? Meet Your Match. Ok, sounds bland enough but turns out the whole episode is an ad for! Even Dr Dhil doesn't care how cynical he looks. Guess he has to pay for hair plugs somehow.

Quotes of the day

" is leading the way with 15,000,000 members. You would think out of 15,000,000 people you could find one.

"How do you date in LA?"
"Get on"